through the lens: Does the government know the place of incident?

As soon as today’s newspaper came to me, I started to look desperately for the follow-on reports on the progress in the investigation of the “Pasaha Bridge” incident, which has burnt many people alive just the day before yesterday.

But, to my surprise, what I saw in my trusted newspaper is this:


Samakhola or Pasa Bridge NEWS CLIP


(It is another story of Nepal’s national media not giving priority on reporting the problems of Tarai people; I have covered it in a few earlier posts and would continue, as there are many such examples.


The news has come from the National News Agency (RSS). Look at the place of the incident quoted: Smahakhola, Bara which I think should be “Pasaha Bridge, Bara” if it is the same incident I am thinking (as being a Bara based journal we know there is no other such incident).

It may be a typo. To determine this let us place and compare it together:

SMAHA khola, Bara

PASAHA bridge, Bara

As I myself type several pages everyday, I know typo is not uncommon and it should be tolerated. But my experience says that the above should not be a typo. A typo for PASAHA might be SASAHA or MASAHA.

The Big Question:

“Does the Home Ministry of Nepal Government know the actual place of incident?”


I don’t make jokes, I just watch the government and report the facts.

— Will Rogers


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टिप्पणी छोड्नुहोस्