through the lens: Madhesh card of Mr. Koirala !

Mr Mahantha Thakur in Birgunj Press Meet 

While cleaning my table this morning, I found a four page scrape note taken by our sub-editor Mr. Krishna Udash Khanal. It was taken a few days earlier on the occasion of the press meet of Mr. Mahantha Thakur in Birgunj that contains a list of questions and several key note of the answers; Mr. Thakur had responded.

On scanning the scrap note before separating it for the trash cane; one question drew my attention. It is a doubt expressed with several clues by Mr. Khanal as Mr. Thakur being a Madhesh Card of PM Koirala.

Hmmmm….. It seems logical.

And if it stands true, should be another example of unfair politics going on here.

In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with Mr. Thakur being appointed as a regional leader of Madhesh or  to resolve the situation of Madhesh on behalf of Nepali Congress or the government. But, it should have been stated clearly to be fair in politics. So that people like Mr. Khanal or myself wouldn’t feel any doubt on Mr. Thakur.

Have your say on it.

Photo by: Ram Kshetry

through the lens: "Aandhi" and "Gandhi" together !

 Aandhi and Gandhi TOGATHER

It seems being a natural phenomenon in Nepal’s politicians to make false statements. Even the “supremos” in Nepal’s political parties seem giving one statement in the morning and modifying it in the evening and just inverting one’s own statement the next day.

In the picture above is slogan reading …………..(a name of a central leader who himself was present on this stage where it hangs) IS NON OTHER THAN “ANDHI” (Storm), and the next line claims HE IS A GANDHI.

The slogan tossed here is indeed attractive to read. But what message it conveys is puzzling me.

As far as I can understand it; the leader is sited being “Aandhi” (storm); the monster of disaster and destruction that is compared with “Gandhi” the godfather of peace and non-violence. As a whole, I see it being misleading and false to make the people fool.

As long as this kind of misleading statements are tossed in Nepal’s politics, It seems impossible to get into the right track in bringing peace in the country.

Do you agree with this? Have your say in the comment section on the blog or through e-mail.

Photo by: Ram Kshetry

through the lens: Why a PRESS Bike was Burnt

These are the file photos taken on January 28, 2007
Place: Ghantaghar (Clock Tower), Birgunj
Time: by 1 PM
Event: PRESS was attacked by the agitated group of Madhesh movement who felt being suppressed by the Media.

the bike being parked

Look at the right side of the picture. It is my bike (labeled PRESS) being parked at the gate of Nepal Telecom building at Ghantaghar Birgunj.


the bike parked behind the police protection

The bike was parked behind these police officials for added security. You can see the bike pointed by red arrow hidden behind the police truck.

Agitated group burning my PRESS bike

200 armed police force was watching it while the agitators started to burn that bike. The policemen near Mina Bazaar just gets back.

The police wanted to keep the press away so that they could suppress the demonstration as already posted in a previous post. Being cameras nearby they were not able to do so freely. That was the reason they did allow it to be burnt to teach a few of us a lesson who were covering the movement from the field. Two of our other friends publishing their local daily had also been treated the same way a few minutes ago in Aadarsnagar.


The police force at the incident

The attack on the PRESS bike was a reaction of media not giving priority to these demonstrations. Some reporters were reporting thousands in hundreds and hundreds in dozens (or a few demonstrators) in their report (from their room, without being on the place of the events). To prove this I would like to announce a 10K NRs. reward for any one among 200 journalists in the locality to present a single photo of this if they were really covering it from the field.


The police force at the incident

These are the police force at the incident standing at the north side of the clock tower. There are more than this number on the east & south where my bike was still burning (you might have noticed some policemen with the burning bike in the previous picture).

Look at the top right corner in the picture (a tiny red colored dress). These are the people who burnt my bike and have been given safe passage by the police. These are the people who stormed Radio Birgunj just after 5 minutes of this mishap.


The burning bike

A cyclist could ride while a PRESS bike was burnt by the agitated group accusing  media being biased on reporting the situation in Madhesh.

Despite loosing my legs(the bike) I couldn’t accuse them as I had was a witness of the situation and know the reality that they were in suppression from the media and it was an intense reaction of that.


Photos & Comments by: Bhuvan K. Jha

through the lens: Why media becomes BIASED?

Upendra Yadav in Birgunj and Media giving less priority

Upendra Yadav, of Madheshi Janaadhikar Forum (MJF his own faction) delivering his speech in a mass gathering in Ghantaghar (Clock Tower), Birgunj on Saturday. You may know if you ever had in Birgunj that it is the heart of the city and almost a dozen of journalists from several media houses are seen chatting with each other throughout the day in tea shops and paper stalls here.

What I want to point out is the number microphones here. There is a single Television Channel covering the event. It doesn’t mean that others are not present. But what it certainly means is: OTHER MEDIA HOUSES ARE NOT ACTIVELY COVERING THE EVENT WITH PRIORITY. This sometimes happens if there are two or more events taking place at the same time. To verify this, I asked my cameraman and reporters weather there were other bigger events like this with a mass in thousands, taking place at the same time with their answer being “no other such a bigger one”. Refer to the newspaper for other events taken place and try to compare by yourself which one should be given more priority.

I have noticed at several occasions that it is another cause of agitation in Madhesh. Their issues and events are not covered with priority.

THE ROOT OF "GANJA" IN NEPAL: a perspective of parsa district

Cannabis, also known as marijuana or ganja (Hindi: गांजा gānjā), is a psychoactive product of the plant Cannabis sativa. The herbal form of the drug consists of dried mature flowers and subtending leaves of pistillate (“female”) plants. The resinous form, known as hashish, consists primarily of glandular trichomes collected from the same plant material.

The major biologically active chemical compound in cannabis is Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), commonly referred to as THC.
Humans have been consuming cannabis since prehistory, although in the 20th century there was a rise in its use for recreational, religious or spiritual, and medicinal purposes. It is estimated that about four percent of the world’s adult population use cannabis annually and 0.6 percent daily. The possession, use, or sale of psychoactive cannabis products became illegal in most parts of the world in the early 20th century. Since then, some countries have intensified the enforcement of cannabis prohibition while others have reduced the priority of enforcement.


ganja field

A GANJA field in Parsa District of Nepal. The photograph was taken in DEC. 2007.


र्पसा जिल्लामा गांजा खेतीको संजाल


बिगत्तका वर्षहरु झै यसपाली पनि पर्सा जिल्लाको उत्तरी र पश्चिमी भेगमा पर्ने लगभग ३० गाउको सयांै बिगहा जग्गामा लागु औषध ग”ाजाको अवैध खेती गरीएको छ । गा”जा फडानिकार्य प्रहरीले निकै ढीलो शुरु गरेकोले १० प्रतिशत पनि नष्ट गर्न नसकिने ठोकुवा बिभिन्न संघ संस्थाले गरेका छन् ।


1. कहा” कहा” गा”जा खेती गरिन्छ :-

२०३६ सालको जनमत संग्रहताका राजनितीक उथल पुथल पश्चात अवैध रुपमा सुरु गरीएको गा”जा खेती हालसम्म हुदै आइरहेको छ । भौगोलिक विविधताको कारण पर्सर्ााजल्लाको उतर पश्चिमी भेगमा रहेका गा”उहरुमा जानेबाटो, सडक, र नदीहरुमा पुल निर्माण नभई सकेको दर्ुगम मानिने गा”उहरुमा धान खेतीगरे झै लागु औषध गा”जा खेती प्रसस्त रुपमा गरिन्छ । पर्सर्ााल्लाको उत्तर पर्र्ूवर्मा रहेको बेलवा गाउ” देखी विरुवागुठ्ठ,ि वागवन्ना, मसुवन मथौल, गादी, सोनवषर्ा, संकरसरैया, महादेवपट्टी, सेढवा, सुपौली, पर्टर्ेेसुगौली, देवरवन्ना, कउवावनकटैया, सखुवाप्रसौनी, हरपुर, वागेश्वरी त्रितौना, पंचरुखी , बसडीलवा, लालपर्सर्ाामहुवन, औराहा, निचुटा, भौराटार, नगरदाहा, सम्मको गाउहरुमा ५ बिगहा देखी २० विगहा गा”जा खेती गरीएको छ भने पर्सर्ााजल्लाको अति दर्ुगम मानिने सुवर्ण्र्ाार देखी निर्मलबस्ती, ब्रहमानगर हु”दै ठोरीसम्मको नदीतिर र जंगलको छेउ तथा बाघमारा देखि निर्मलबस्ती जाने वाटो को दा”या बा”या आ”खाले देख्न सक्ने दुरीसम्म हजारौ बिगहामा गा”जा खेती गरिएको जो सुकैले देख्न सक्छ् । यो भेगको गा”जा नारायणी अंचल प्रहरी कार्यालयको पुरै गुल्मको प्रहरीले फडानी गर्ने हो भने महिनौ लाग्न सक्ला । त्यस कारण यी गा”जा खेती कहिल्यै फडानी गरिंदैन् । पर्सर्ााजल्लामा हुने सम्पर्ुण्ा गा”जा खेतीको आधी भाग यी भेगमा मात्रै हुने गर्छ ।


2. किन गरिन्छ गा”जा खेती :-

बिउ र्छर्ने दिन देखी ६ महिना भित्रै पाक्ने सरदर १०० किलो देखी १५० किलो प्रति कठ्ठाको उब्जनी छ । समान्यतः भारु ३००/- प्रति किलो को दरले ब्रि्री गरिदा ३०,०००/- देखी ५०,०००/- प्रति कठ्ठाको दरले उपज दिने अरु कुनै फसल छैन । मह”गो दाममा बिक्ने थोरै समयमा राम्रो मुनाफा हुने भएकोले झंझट बेहोरेर पनि किसानहरु यस खेती तर्फउन्मुख रहेको पाइन्छ भने गा”जा खेती गरिदा गा”उ र ठा”उ हेरी संरक्षण गरिदिनलाई प्रति कठ्ठा रु २,०००/- देखी ५,०००/ को दरले -५०,०००/- देखी १,०००००/- सम्म प्रति बिगहा) गरि एक सिजनमै करोडौ रुपिया नजरना आउने भएकोले प्रहरी-प्रशासन तथा राजनैतिक ब्यक्तिहरु किसानलाई गा”जा खेती गर्न अश्वासन र हिम्मत दिने गर्छन् ।



THE ROOT OF GANJA IN NEPAL a perspective of parsa district

The Ever Green Crop: It is not that people don’t understand the consequences on the health issues of GANJA. The farmers who grow the crop themselves are against their children not to fall into this brain-disturbing drug. Though it is a cash crop giving much more profit than they would get from Vegetable or Sugarcane.

For time saving purpose; let us just discuss the two alternative of this crop: Vegetables & Sugarcanes. It is not that vegetable is not profitable either, or the farmers don’t want to do this but the un-predictable strikes ruins the hard labour just in a few days. One of my PA’s relative suffered this; where he had vegetable farming in 90% of his land and GANJA on 10%. Due to strike he lost the hard labour of 90% though got profited from the little lebour in 10% to make up his annual expenses for households and marry a daughter as well.

Refer to news: I had noticed a few news floating in our paper regarding the problem with the Sugarcane Farmers.

NO ONE TO BUY THEIR PRODUCT: The Birgunj Sugar Factory employing almost 1500 direct employees and engaging more half of the population of this region in the field of sugarcanes got bankrupt. It is not that it got bankrupt by itselt. In fact it became a source of about 25 people I could count. In sort, the politician’s ruling the government drained all the resources through their respective chairpersons deploying on the political basis. Other sugar factories running in profit were ruined by Maoists donation, Trade Unions, Jwala, Goit, UnderWorld and Local Politician for donations. And now, it is a situation that the farmers have no running sugar factory where their product could be sold.





3. गा“जा खेतीको संजालतन्त्र :-

लागु औषध गा“जा खेतीको बिउ र्छनु भन्दा पहिलै गा“उ-गा“उमा बैठक बसी एक जनालाई अगुवा चुनि त्यसको अध्यक्षतामा ५-७ सदसीय अगुवाई समिती चुन्ने गर्छन् । यी समितीले गा“उमा कुन किसानले कति गा“जा खेती गरेको छ लगत खडा गरी प्रहरी, प्रशासन, राजनितीक ब्यक्ति आदिमा लाग्न सक्ने खर्चको अनुमान गरी प्रति कठ्ठाको रेट निर्धारण गरेर “रेट” उठाउ“छन् । रेट तीन किस्तामा उठाइन्छन, पहिलो बिउ र्छने बेलामा, दोश्रो गा“जा फस्र्टाई पाक्न लागेको बेलामा र अन्तिम किस्ता गा“जा काटेर घर भित्र्याउने बेलामा । यसरी गा“उ गा“उ बाट छानिएका अगुवाहरु मध्येबाट पनि प्रशासन सित कुरा गर्न सक्ने साथै दवाव समेत दिन सक्ने दब· ब्यक्तिलाई मुख्य अगुवा छानिन्छ् । मुख्य अगुवाले जिल्लामा आई प्रहरी,प्रशासन,राजनितीक ब्यक्ति र अन्य केही ब्यक्तिहरु सित कुरा मिलाई तिन किस्तामा नजराना दिने काम गर्छन् ।
गा“जा खेती गर्ने किसानहरु जग्गाको लगत राख्ने, लगत अनुसारको रेट उठाउने र उठेको रेट रकम बाट सम्बन्धित प्रहरी चौकी, जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय, अंचल प्रहरी कार्यालय मध्य क्षेत्र प्रहरी कार्यालय -डि.आइ.जी) र जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालय तथा संरक्षण दिने राजनितीक ब्यक्तिहरु लाई किस्ताको रकम पुर्‍याउने गरीन्छ । यस प्रकार एउटा ठुलो संजाल निर्माण गरी करोडौंको चलखेलको आडमा पर्सर्ााजल्लामा लागु औषध गा“जाको अवैध खेती लहलहाइ रहन्छ् ,।


4. गा“जा फडानि काम यसरी गरीन्छ :-

प्रत्येक बर्षगा“जा पाक्न लागेको बेला दोश्रो किस्ता बापतको रकम बुझी सके पछि गा“जा फडानि गर्न जिल्लावाट ३०-४० प्रहरी जवानको टोलि गा“उ तिर जाने गर्छन् । एक ठाउ“मा क्याम्प राखेर गा“उको अगुवाहरु सित कुन ठाउमा फडानि गर्ने हो त्यसको जनकारी लिइ सोही अनुरुप फडानि गरीन्छ् । प्रत्येक गा“उमा फडानि गर्नलाइ मुख्य गा“जा खेती बाहेकको बाटो नजिक छुटै गा“जा – दुपखीया ) लगाइएको हुन्छ । प्रहरीले त्यही गा“जा खेती फडानि गर्ने गर्छ र जग्गाको तथ्यांक बढाएर र्सार्वजनिक रुपमा बताउने गर्छन । फडानि अवधि भर क्याम्पमा चामल, दाल, तरकारी, दही, रक्सी, मासु, आदी खानपानको सम्पर्ुण्ा ब्यवस्था गा“उ गा“उका अगुवाहरुले गर्ने गर्छन् । यता प्रहरीले गा“जा फडानी कार्य बिस्तारै बिस्तारै गर्दै जान्छन् अर्को तर्फगा“जा पाकेर तयार हुन्छ । किसानहरु पाकेको गा“जा आफनो घर भित्र्याउन थाल्छन् । एन, केन प्रकारेण टालमटोल गरेर पर्सर्ााजल्लाको ८-१० वटा गा“उहरु मा गा“जा फडानि टोलि पुगेको ह“ुदैन तब सम्म गा“जा खेतीको सम्पर्ुण्ा सिजन समाप्त हुन्छन् । गा“जा फडानि टेालीको र किसान बिचको यो नाटकिय खेल करिब १ महिना सम्म चल्ने गर्छ । पर्सर्ााजल्लाको मध्यपर्ुर्वी भेग बाट खटीएको फडानि टोलि उतरपश्चिमी भेगमा नपुग्दै गा“जा खेती सिधिन्छ ।


through the lens: HARVESTING AT ITS PIC


ganja harvesting

A satellite picture zoomed at the bed of Tilawe river in Parsa district of Nepal. The fields having dark green beds are the green crops(is to be harvested). Some fields have already been harvested (Harvested) and some are partially harvested or harvesting might be in progress.(being Harvested)


Villages having no roads are difficult to track:

No Road

In the picture above is the famous Tilawe river laying in Parsa district. The green highlights are the villages with no motor road (wider road). I have heard of a village where only two wheeler can enter even without overtaking. BUT most of the villagers can afford a car to ride.

The Graphics are just for illustration purpose. Satellite Pictures by Google Earth.




नियन्त्रण गर्नमा सरकारी उदासिन्ता :-

गा“जा खेती नियन्त्रन होस भनि सरकारी कर्मचारीहरु नै चाहदैनन् ’cause बिउको बर्ेना राखे देखी गा“जा पाकुनञ्जेलसम्म किस्ताको रकम त आउछ नै गा“जा त्यार भएर घरमा राखी राखेको अवस्थामा पनि छापामारी गरी सालौ भरी चलिनै रहन्छ । छपामारी गरीदा मान्छे पक्राउ परि हाल्यो भने छोडन लाई छुट्टै रकम लिएर गा“जा बेवारिसे बनाई जफत गरीन्छ । कतिपय प्रहरी पदाधिकारीहरुले त आधि गा“जा घटना स्थल निरै व्यपारीलाई बेची आधिमात्रै समातिएको देखाउ“छन् । यस प्रकार “सुनको फुल दिने” पर्सर्ााे गा“जा खेतीलाई प्रहरी प्रशासनले नै रोक्न चाह“दैन् ।
पर्सर्ााजल्लाको अधिकांश किसानहरुको भनाइ पाइन्छ कि हामीलाई गा“जा खेती गर्न जिल्ला बाट प्रहरी र प्रशासनको घुमवाहरु आई खेती गर्नुस हामी संरक्षण दिन्छौं भनेर खेती गर्न लगाउ“छन ।
गा“जा खेती लगाउन नदिने हो भने बिउ हाल्ने बेलामै कर्डाई गरीयो भने गा“जा खेती गर्नै पाउ“दैनौ । नेपाल अधिराज्यको मुलुकी ऐनमा गा“जा खेती गरीने खेत समेत लिलाम हुने स्पष्ट उल्लेख ह“ुदाहु“दै पनि आज सम्म एक जना पनि किसान माथि त्यस्तो मुद्दा वा कारवाही किन चलाईएको छैन् ।
यदी किसानहरुलाई गा“जा खेतीको बिकल्प दियो भने गा“जा खेती रुक्न सक्छ् सरकारी स्तरबाट ऋण सुविधा र सहुलियत उपलब्ध गराएर आलु तथा सर्ुर्ति खेती गर्न लगाइयो भने गा“जा खेतीको राम्रो विकल्प हुन सक्ने कुरा स्वयं किसानहरुनै बताउ“छन् । तर सरकारी स्तर बाट त्यस्तो कुनै कार्यक्रम आज सम्म थालिएको देखिदैन् । गा“जा खेती लगाउने र फडानिको नाममा प्रहरीले गर्ने गरेको नाटक मंचनमा लागेको खर्चलाई उपयोग गरी किसानहरुलाई चेतनामुलक र शीपअभिबृधी मुलक कार्यक्रम संचालन गरेर बैकल्पिक खेती तिर उन्मुख गराउनु पर्सर्ााजल्लाको अपरिहार्यता सम्बन्धित निकायले बुझनु पर्ने आजको मा“ग रहेको छ ।


.::काशीनाथ यादव, सम्भारः बीरगंज रिपोर्ट दैनिक::.





“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players,
They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.”




Police Destroying Gganja

In the picture is a “dupakhiya“. The farms on both sides of the road. You can notice a white colored jeep in the picture. That’s the road. And the police is destroying the Ganja on the side of this road. It is; in fact, have been planted for destruction purpose only. The actual fields are much more bigger and more difficult to go on jeep. And our police don’t like to go somewhere without a jeep.

And why to go there? As mentioned by Kashi Sir is the previous article. This dupakhiya is just a stage of the drama. For this event journalists had been called by the SP himself. And some so called-journalists too went there in a hired jeep (NRs. 2000/- from their pocket). But amazingly they had nothing to pay rather got to have drinks with local chicken fry. And all these were arranged by the police, which is always suffering from lack of budgets. The police does this just to highlight their department with pictures as a a proof pretending as if they did it. But, actual fields are so large that the whole department can’t finish is in time. On the other hand thay have taken bribe from the farmers already. Even if they go there through strong pressure, THEY WOULD HAVE TO FIGHT A WAR AGAINST GANJA IN NEPAL. Because every village in the rural locality happens to have 20-50 handguns ready to fight with the outside world.

The drama in ganja farming is played so nicely that even I was not aware of this until last month. When the drama of Ganja Fadani Started some two weeks ago, I tried to cover a new on this and got up to this reality. It’s not only the local policemen, DSP,SP & DIG as claimed by Kashi Sir, but its root reaches up to the ministry. And it is being grown from behind the curtain by the government bodies themselves. After all, it appears as a hen hatching gold egg for the local & national politicians, police department and farmers all.

It seem impossible to remove this black spot from the face of new Nepal until the issue gets international.


Hope it happens!


The Article in Nepali By: Kashi Nath Yadav, comments & graphics by Bhuvan K. Jha.

The CHILD LABOR "of a new kind"

of all children ages 5 to 14:
41.7% regularly work
36.7% work and go to school
15% do nothing (are idle)
15% do non-economic work, such as household chores.
Of all working children, 55% are girls.



Child Labour in POLITICS

(A New Kind)

Birgunj, Dec 29, 2007 (by 2 pm)

The Child Labour in Politics

A Dog rally organized by the Madheshi Jan Adhikar Forum (MJF, Gupta Group) in Birgunj. (Refer to the print issue in pdf file)


Birgunj, Dec 29, 2007 (by 2 pm)

Human Rights Commission buisy in the meeting hall near by

A conference of Human Rights Commission of Nepal near that earlier event.  (Refer to the print issue in pdf file)




Do they know the politics ?

(file photo)

Does they know the issue 

for fun

the army of madhesh 

schools being closed due to the same strike.

count the heads of the teens blocking the road

for some cookies and chocolates as well

Childs making shopkeepers close their shopps with bamboo sticks


Photos by: Ram Kshetry , Dilip Pradhan & Me

through the Lens: The Trade of "DRUGS"

The Trade of Drugs 2

(Birgunj, December 8 )

The trade of Drugs

(Birgunj, December 27)


The Trade of Drugs: The former picture is taken 3 weeks ago and the later is a picture taken yesterday in Birgunj.

Look at the packets in the picture. It is the packet of Drugs (Charas or Cannabis I don’t know). One out of 100 is caught. Imagine how much the total trade of Drugs would have been taking place in Nepal.
